Ex ambulance code name ambitious!

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Ex ambulance code name ambitious!

 Hi folks, I'm new here and like the look of the site, the how to's look great and thought I'd share my project.chanic for a Smart specialist


My name's Carl, my fiance and I were struggling to come up with honeymoon ideas and so ended up buying an ex ambulance Merc Sprinter 412TD so we could go just about anywhere we like!


We are both in our 20's, I'm a mechanic for a Smart specialist and the good woman is an insurance clerk so we have a good understanding of what is A. Mechanically viable and B. Insurance friendly.


Anyways, here is a link to the Ebay auction, we happen to know the seller and so we snapped it up at a bargain price.


Let me know what you think, any ideas or suggestions are welcome!

