rear seats and belts.

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rear seats and belts.

Hi there,hope someone can help! iam converting a swb transit i plan on putting the usual diy bench (converts to bed) seating at front by the sliding door but ineed at least one seat belt in back as well, any one know the rules an reg for this? also what can iuse to hold the spare wheel onto the back door,thankyou.

campergirl's picture
rear bench seat and belts


There was an article posted about this a while back - click here.  Obviously, the company are looking to promote the service they provide but the legal side of the advice seems pretty sound....I guess you would want to find someone who could weld and fit the belt and bench securely. 

In terms of the spare wheel you just need some kind of carrier bracket which you can mount on the door.  They are pretty common for landrovers, not sure about vans but if you put 'rear door spare wheel carrier' into a search engine it should through up with a few options.  I have seen one on a transit before but it might be modified i.e. holes redrilled to fit a van spare but it should be do-able.


benchseat and belts

HI campergirl, thanks for that,but i suppose i need to know if i can fit seatbelts to my own diy bench seats,i think i probably need info on some official web site,eg structural fittings etc, for which i have been told that because its a "van" and not a minibus ...the pillers need something extra behind the belt fittings.