The Trusty L300

ruth's Project
Status: Basic but completed

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My first (and only) campervan so far was a Mitsubishi L300. Bought while on a trip to NZ, waaaaay back in 2003 (why the photos are scanned - no cheap digitial cameras in those days). It was brilliant and didn't give us any bother for the whole 4 months. As you can see the 'conversion' was very basic but did the job. It's slightly easier in NZ not to need a heater! I've never quite got round to getting a van here but would love to do a similar thing again. Would be great to see what a 'new skool' L300 conversion looks like. Anyway, for what it's worth here are some photos and what we did.

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Project Task Write-ups:

  • Bed System

    Calling this a bed 'system' is pushing it a bit. It's a good example of the most basic way to get a very comfy sleeping set up in your campervan. This is a double spring camp bed with the fold do...

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  • Water System

    Again the term 'system' here is pushing it! This is the slightly more sophisticated water set up than just carrying lots of litre bottles (slightly). So, we had an old 20L plastic cider container...

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  • Base Vehicle

    For a small reliable mini-campervan the L300 was magic. We may have just been lucky but it seemed great. Fairly robust but mainly simple. Didn't have any issues but got the impression it would b...

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  • Kitchen

    The L300 'kitchen' consisted of a whisperlite camping stove and crate of utensils. Again, more than does the job if your campervanning somewhere warm and dryish.

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  • Swivel Seats

    Tried briefly but never managed to find a swivel for the L300. Also, a pretty substantial floor and rail bulkhead between the cab and rear space were in the way so they could have only ever partial...

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