Little Miss Sunshine

antisocialmonkey's Project
Status: Just getting Started

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We have just bought a sunshine yellow ex-AA Renault Trafic 2008 with 90k miles on the clock. It is in pretty good nick and ply lined in the back. We've asked the garage to fit a steel bulkhead for us. The cab needs a tart up as the drivers seat fabric is torn and there are a variety of odds and sods left over on the dash from the AA. We take delivery in a week or so and job number 1 is make the cab habitable so we can drive it. Will be so glad to see the back of our knackered car! We intend to go for a day van conversion but with seats that can convert to enough bed to accommodate 2 adults and a toddler. We will be sticking with the yellow and doing the inside to match. This is our first project so it will be a labour of love with a hefty measure of fear thrown in!

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