LED Downlights

garliccharge's - Task: Lighting
Write up for their project The Weetabix VanStatus: 100% Complete

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Task Write-up: 

For the lighting in the van I wanted a good coverage with different areas independently controlled.
I scoured the internet and various shops and eventually found an ebay supplier who sold these little circular LED fittings with 24 miniature LED's about 1mm across! (SMD LED's for the technical types). They come with a G4 fitting which simply means that they have 2 'legs' ( a bit like a standard LED) which are a set width apart to push into a G4 lamp base.

They have a brightness of about a 10w equivalent but using less than 1/10th of that in power (0.9w to be precise). Naturally i bought 8 and with them all on I get the equivalent of about an 80w light bulb that uses 9watts.

The best bit about these little beasts is they only cost £1.95 each! (about £2.50 with p&p)

Here's a link to them anyway.

The only downside is that they didn't have a case or fitting of any kind. Not a big problem when you have access to a laser cutter and some clear acrylic. :D I engraved concentric circles onto the lens to help diffuse the light.

I set the lights up on 3 seperate circuits. The first two circuits with switches in the passenger side door pillar (above the seatbelt) and the last at the rear, connected to the door opening switch.

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