ROLLIN SANCTUARY's - Task: Project Plan
Write up for their project ROLLIN' SANCTUARYStatus: 0% Complete

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Task Write-up: 

Well, the funny thing is, I didn;t have one. [a plan that is] I just like Transit vans. I've owned a few over the years, of all different models. Dunno what it is about them, but if I HAD to make a list, I'd probably say-
I like motors that have a good solid chassis, and the body sits on top. The way all cars used to be made.
I like that I can get me and my fat belly underneath it if needs be, without trying to drive up those stupid Halfords car-ramps.
I like the fact that they are multi purpose vehicles.
{would YOU carry bricks or wood or cement or a motorbike in your car.???? or camp in it for that matter.?}
I like the fact that millions of cops an' robbers through the years can't all be wrong can they? (Favourite van of many of 'em since the MK 1.}
and there may be bigger [better ?] vans out there today, but which one's been there more-or-less since large vans grew in popularity ?.......YEP. The Tranny.

I had no plan for my van, other than they're usfull. But then I decided one day, that as I have grandkids now, it'd be cool to fit some seats with seat belts in the back to maybe take them to the seaside in the summer, picnics, and stuff like that.? That idea progressed to- A table would be nice.? The mrs. and me could take a flask, and sit and have a coffee while the kids played then.? Which became- A couple or 3 beds would be good.....we wouldn't have to rush back then......Which became- Why take a flask, get some cooker rings, and make a fresh drink there and then....and a bacon buttie in the morning.......So you get the picture.?
Most camper builders will tell you to make a plan before you begin, and try to stick to it as much as possible. But what if you didn't intend to turn your van into a camper.? LOL. Whilst I know now WHY they say that, I DIDN'T. I just picked a spot, and started....What I've got now, just "came about" somehow.? I kinda just made it up as I went along, and one day it suddenly dawned on me I had been building a camper van.? LOL I will add this though,....believe me when I say, you don't have to be a chippendale cabinet maker to do it yourself.... If you're thinking about it, do it. I'm really glad I did mine, and have totaly enjoyed doing it, and seeing it evolve from just notions in my head, to the really different/unusual interior I have now.
Thouroughly recommend it to anyone with even the tiniest bit of [mostly] common sense and imagination.
Good luck if you're going to give it a shot, but remember, it's true that having a plan is a good plan.

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