Window Removal

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Window Removal

I have read the very good advice about how to fit windows in a panel van but so far I haven't found any  information on the opposite which is the removal of unwanted windows in a vehicle such as a minibus.  Our sprinter is fully glazed with 3 big windows on either side and one in each back door. We want to blank two of them and have thought about the black film that sticks to the inside, however the two windows in question have sliding openers at  the top which are a bit leaky and rather naff looking. Replacing them with a welded panel is too messy, expensive and would subsequently call for a respray so the current favourite idea is to take out the glass(which is rubber mounted) and replace it with an equally sized piece of white plastic. This is available in many sizes including 4mm thick as is the glass. It is quite inexpensive and easy to cut. OK, it's not as rigid as glass and might have a "wobble board" effect in the larger window but thats no problem as the inner side is going to be hidden and so can be stiffened up with plywood or whatever. There are some interesting products and information here  -

The questions we have are -

1) How do we go about getting the existing widows out ? do we have to smash them ? 

2)  Can the existing rubbers be used ? (assuming the plastic is the same thickness as the glass)

3) What sort of special tooling is needed to do the job?

It woold be good if there is someone out there in the Auto-Glazing trade who could advise on the procedure and possible snags.