Ex-AA T4 Transporter

weecallum's Project
Status: Ongoing

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Got this sweet van a few years ago and its been great! Needs a wee bit of work to get it through the mot but I've ground a few bits down and just need to paint it back up then it'll be good as new...

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Project Task Write-ups:

  • Base Vehicle

    There was a bit of rust starting to build up on the wheel arches etc so to make sure it sails through the mot I've gone nuts with a wire brush on a drill and ground it all down. I've got rid of th...

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  • Rear Seats

    When I got the van it already had a bench seat in the back so its perfect for the kids or buddies. The bench isn't all the way across which is great for sliding kayaks, bikes etc in beside them

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  • Windows

    One of the great things about buying this ex-aa van was it already had bonded windows in the back.

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  • Bed System

    I haven't completely worked out the bed system yet but its going to be really basic and at least allow us to crash out in the back when we need to. I've used some strong plastic boxing material to...

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  • Charging System

    I've got a pretty simple solution to the whole battery thing - I'm just going to use the vehicle starter battery and make sure I don't run it flat. Worse case scenario is I do run it flat and then...

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