daddypine's - Task: Bed System | |
Write up for their project Harvey | Status: ![]() |
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The bed design took some working out as I wanted to be able to remove at least one bed to get the bike in. after a lot of tea & coffee over a period of about 8 days the idea grew and grew till it was time to start. I new the top section had to lift to give access to the storage below and I knew we needed to create extending slats to fill the gap in the centre should we want it as one big bed. The idea I came up with was to make the front panel as one piece but to use wooden bed fittings at each end, the ones that bolt the side rails to the head and foot end on a wooden bed. Then, if I hinged the end to swing in, Bob's yer uncle, lift up the hinged top and hold it up with a w/c door bolt,take me front off and hinge me end in, sorted. Then, Ulreka, why not do both sides and I gets me van back. Trust me, it works and any t,d or h can do it.
Bought myself a pair of motorcycle ramps and I can even get the old ride on mower in, drive 15 mile and mow me mothers lawn. I stuck some pics on I hope they make sense. I will try and put more pics on of this with the sides hinged up and maybe even the bike in if I get time.
UPDATED. Last two pics are just before we took her on the maiden voyage, sea trials and test sleeps done the weekend prior and were a success.R/H bed in up position, rubber mat on floor. Weighed in at 3180kg prior to bike being loaded. Bike weighs 305kg so just within the 3500kg gross.l.w. Ran like a dream though just lacked a bit of power so looking at chipping up, though it will only be maxed up on a few trips.