Units and carpeting

mdr75's - Task: Units & Furniture
Write up for their project Ford Transit Conversion to camper / day vanStatus: 80% Complete

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Task Write-up: 

Lastnight i got as much done after work as i could carpeting the remaining walls and building the wardrobe/cupboard. I am keeping the metal bulk head behind the driver's and passenger's seat as the front cab is a bit dirty at the mo and would benefit from having a bit of a re-upholster..... or damn good clean. The back of it though facing the new interior i am painting with hammerite(other metal paints are available ha ha) in silver.. as well as around the step area and possibly the worktop... the wardrobe door i am considering painting silver too but may leave as beach.. not sure yet..

Hope you can see it coming together now?....

Over and out..

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